
2022 Q3
musician & engineer


DreDidDat! is a music producer and engineer fulfilling visions for himself, artists, and brands. Creating a custom website would be the perfect way to build familiarity with his audiences and provide a home for his content hosted across different streaming platforms.

My Role

pencil and ruler
UI Design
person beside a checkmark
UX Design
pencil drawing a line
happy mask and paintbrush
website with a sky blue background and a rose bush with a large title that says "Dre Did Dat - producer, engineer, designer" - mocked up on a MacBook Pro

scroll for more


With so many separate platforms nowadays, keeping track of content is a real challenge. The main objective of this project was to aggregate and organize all my client's projects. Albums, playlists, production credits, sync placements, and visuals - all in one home.

purple tv static as an album cover for DreDidDat, electronic genre, 2023
Apple Music app showing a list of playlistsproduction credits featuring DreDidDat!

Big Idea

He insisted on a design that would match his personality - minimalistic, with flashes of excitement. I was given a few photographs that he captured, and asked to incorporate them in some way.

blue sky above clouds with wing of plane
blue sky with rose bush


My first few drafts were very bold and colorful. Many ideas did not stick. Each draft got simpler, and more focused on making the entire website the showcase, rather than one section. For such a multifaceted client, this was the best option.

draft idea showing work on design
draft idea showing work on design


Our end result is a dark, sleek, and fluid website that both my client and other artists value and enjoy. The minimalism is clean, yet still feels complete. The interactions breathe life into the site and accentuate its functionality. With scrolling showcases for each artistic endeavor, new works can be added at a moment's notice.

Perfect for a burgeoning artist.

mockup of a MacBook Pro with a safari webpage insideblack website that says "no fancy tools, just a love for my craft" above an image of a man - mocked up on an iPhonewebsite with a sky blue background and a rose bush with a large title that says "Dre Did Dat - producer, engineer, designer" - mocked up on a MacBook Pro
dark grey envelope with an @ symbol inside - an emailwhite envelope with an @ symbol inside - an email black letters spelling "in" - the shorthand LinkedIn logowhite letters spelling "in" - the shorthand LinkedIn logo